
How to get rid of small flies from indoor flowers in a simple way

Many people like to have indoor plants, but growing most of these flowers is not easy. Small flies that can affect the growth and flowering of domestic plants are particularly annoying, that is, they slow them down. Too little watering, or too much, if the plant is in a draft, near a radiator, can also contribute to this, but small flies are the worst.

indoor flowers

Fortunately, there is a simple trick discovered by flower lovers that allows you to quickly get rid of tiny flies in pots, and all you need is a few matches. Simply stick their heads into the ground about two inches from the edge of the pot and water the flowers. After two days, replace the matches with new ones, and after another two days the flies will disappear from the flowers.

This way you will save the plants from suffering and you will not have to use various chemicals for flies. Due to the phosphorus and sulfur contained in the matches, the soil in which the plant is located will remain healthy and the flies will escape.

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