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How much is the benefit of flaxseed

Flaxseed is very helpful food and everyone needs to eat it every day. It acts on the stomach and intestines, lowers the cholesterol, acts to the eyes, prostate diseases, and hemorrhoids. You should take in the morning, once after getting out of bed.

After you wash the linseed, put it in the mouth and swallow it with 250 ml of hot water. It is also recommended as light evening meal with yogurt and rye bread. Against cholesterol is recommended in combination of garlic, chopped into small pieces, which should be swallowed with water, lemon and honey.

Except that lowers cholesterol, this combination allows to relax and better sleep. Given the fact that it is swallowed and not chewed, did not feel an unpleasant odor. Twenty minutes before each meal you should drink half cup of water, to expel gases from the esophagus. Therefore, the food comes in a clean place and thyroid works accelerated. In addition to purification, flaxseed also can be used for loosing weight.v

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